Can you believe it? There are 97,033 stoplights in Los Angeles County, California, and only two in Sierra County, New Mexico, which is larger than LA county by more than 150 square miles. Let that sink in. In effect, L.A. has 48,516 times more stoplights than Sierra County. Now you might ask, “Why would I want to live in a county with only two stoplights?” Or, you might ask, “Why would I want to live in a county with 97,033 stoplights?”
- No Traffic Jams… Ever!
Regardless of whether you live in L.A., Chicago, Denver, New York, Miami, or any other metropolitan area, there’s one thing that’s inconsolably frustrating. It’s traffic congestion… those seemingly endless bumper-to-bumper jams that raise your blood pressure in equal proportion to your anger. Imagine the freedom of saying goodbye to multiple lanes of traffic in each direction… stoplight after eternal stoplight… bird-flipping drivers… and ad nauseum hours behind the wheel. Don’t you have better things to do?
- More Personal Time.

You decide. Is it better to be trapped behind the wheel for hours or spend that time doing the things you enjoy? Quite likely, you’d rather be doing most anything instead of sitting for hours in traffic. So, if you’re retired, or can work remotely, isn’t it time to leave the hectic pace of city life behind and opt for a lifestyle that doesn’t keep you trapped in a rolling cage for hours on end?
- A Healthier You.
Did you know that sitting for long periods of time increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and several other health issues? Long periods of sitting are also reported to be damaging to your mental health. Alan Hedge, Professor of Ergonomics at Cornell University, recommends 8 minutes of standing and two minutes of moving around per every half hour, something that’s quite impossible when you’re cramped behind the wheel in heavy traffic for hours at a time.
- Beautiful Surroundings.

Perhaps it’s time to trade in stoplights, concrete, skyscrapers, long lines, smog, and all the other hassles that come with a metropolitan lifestyle for a more relaxed living environment where the air is fresh, skies are turquoise, mountains and mesas surround you, high desert landscapes are mesmerizing, New Mexico’s largest lake extends for miles, and you can actually see the stars! To say Sierra County is beautiful is an understatement.
- A More Relaxed Lifestyle.
When you’re not fighting traffic, sitting at stoplights, and driving for hours every day, life feels far more relaxed. It’s easier to manage free time when you have more of it, and it’s much easier to relax when you have more time to do it. Taking back those two or three hours of intense drive time are a personal gift you will appreciate and enjoy for the rest of your life.
- An Abundance Of Outdoor Activities Year-Round.
Perhaps you plan all year to escape the city for a week or two of vacation, doing the things you love. In Sierra County, New Mexico, doing what we love is a way of life. We balance our work schedules to play when we want… work when we want… and relax when we want. Our entire county is an outdoor playground for golfing, boating, sailing, fishing, jet skiing, paddle boarding, kayaking, swimming, hiking, biking, pickleball, mountain biking, four-wheeling, and camping, with snow skiing just a short drive away. At the end of the day, we can relax in any one of our many world-renowned hot springs as we watch the evening skies fill with color while the sun slips down behind the Gila Mountains. It’s a good life. In fact, it’s a great life.
- Luxurious Amenities.
Ony two stoplights in over 4,200 square miles of natural beauty – that’s Sierra County, New Mexico. We invite you to learn more. Connect with us today!
In the heart of Sierra County, surrounded by mountains and just a couple minutes from the state’s largest lake, lies Turtleback Mountain Resort, a golf community that will soon be home to world-class amenities found only in major resorts around the globe. If you long for the great outdoors; a live, work, play living environment; big skies; exceptional views; and fresh air, Turtleback Mountain Resort is the ideal alternative to city life. Elegant homes, a naturally-luxurious and stunning setting, fabulous amenities, and endless things to do await you. It’s time to find yourself… someplace real!